Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Various XNA Tutorials


XNA 101 Course Outline

1.XNA Windows Project

2.Texture2D: Drawing 2D Textures in XNA

3.SpriteBatch & SpriteFont: Drawing 2D & 3D Text in XNA

4.Update(): Animating 2D Textures XNA

5.Update(): Basic 2D Collision in XNA

6.Basic Input: Using the Keyboard in XNA

7.Basic Input: Using the GamePad in XNA

8.Model: Declaring, Loading and Drawing a 3D Model in XNA

9.Update(): Rotating 3D Models XNA

10.Update(): Moving 3D Models XNA

11.BasicEffect: A Simple lighting shader in XNA

12.Basic Audio: Using the SoundEffect and Song classes in XNA

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Basic Shooter in C#

In this example I have provided the framework for a space shooter.

There are two classes, Alien and Star. There is a bug in Alien that makes all the aliens move to the top left hand corner. They should bounce around the screen.

1. Use the debugger and check the program execution to determine the error.
2. Continue working on the classes to derive new aliens and planets.
3. Add a player class.
4. Add player movement and shooting.
5. Add score.
6. Think about level design - we will cover this next week.

Here's the project - SpaceShooter

Learning And Signup

XNA Signing up (H.264)
XNA Getting started (H.264)
XNA Starter Kits - Download It (Marblets) - (H.264)
XNA Starter Kit - Running one (Marblets) - (H.264)

Getting Started


Welcome to the "Intermediate Programming Language" course. We will be learning concepts in C# and applying them to an Xbox / PC XNA framework which could be uploaded and reviewed by the world - possibly published by Microsoft.

Getting Started

1. First of all create an XNA account (not required)

2. Next download Visual Studio C# Express 2008

3. Finally download Game Studio 3.1

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